541-271-3616 | Fax: 541-271-3618 | 2605 Longwood Ave. Reedsport, OR 97467

2605 Highland Dr.

Reedsport, OR. 97467

(541) 271-9222


South: On Highway 101, go through last stoplight intown, then turn left on Longwood Drive, approximately½ mile. Highland is on the right side of the street.


North: On Highway 101, turn right on the first street prior to traffic light on Longwood, approximately½ mile, Highland pool is on the right side of the street.

General: $3.00  |  Seniors (60+): $2.50

Family: $70  |  Individual: $37  |  Senior Couple: $57  |  Senior Individual: $35

Family: $295  |  Individual: $235  |  Senior Couple: $245  |  Senior Individual: $175

25 Swims: $55  |  25 Swims (senior): $45

Elementary School Swim Class

Highland Elementary School is lucky to have access to a full size swimming pool with four swim instructors to teach our students, grades kindergarten to 6th grade how to swim and be comfortable in and around water.

Swim Instructors:

Lyrae Morrison

Ward Halstead

Jamie Morrison

Wyatt Castaneda

Amy Lawson 

Thank these instructors for providing such an important life skill in your childs life!

Public Swim & Activities

Highland Pool is also open to the public during specific times to offer the community various activities. Want to rent the pool for a private party? You can do that too! Refer to the schedule below or call the pool for any questions you may have at 541-271-9222.

Lower Umpqua Hospital therapy

Friday: 2-3:30pm

Kids & Family Activities

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High Pool Schedule

Kids & Family Public Swim

Tuesday – Thursday: 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Saturday: 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Public Swim Lessons

  • Parent/Tot
  • Kids
  • Adults

Link to summer swim lesson schedule

Call Lyrae to schedule at 541-271-9222

Swim Club

This is a youth club available for proficient swimmers. Call Kurt Vander Bogart to join the group at 541-271-9222.

Adult Activities

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Lap/Recreation Swim

Mon-Fri: 6:00am to 8:00am

Mon-Fri: 5:00pm to 6:30pm

Saturday: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm


Central Coast Swim Club

Aqua-cize Classes

Mon, Wed, Fri:

  • 6:15am to 7:15am

  • 5:30pm to 6:30pm

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    To learn more about the Central Coast Swim Club, visit:



    Rent the Pool

    $35.00 / hour

    Additional fee for groups larger than 20.

    Rent the pool for your next party! We can provide games and activities to help make your party a memorable experience.

    Highland Elementary School

    2605 Longwood Drive

    Reedsport, Oregon 97467

    PH: 541-271-3616

    Office Hours:


    7:45am – 4:00pm